Learn about the oral and body health connection.

Connecting the Dots: Your mouth and your body

For many people, it isn't easy to think of our body as one connected machine. It is easier to think of ourselves as separate working parts that make up a whole. This is how we have been taught as young children, and it is how the medical community deals with health issues. If you go to your doctor with a specific health concern, the symptoms are treated, and you are sent on your way. Very seldom do doctors utilize a whole-health approach and look at the entire body to find connections between illness and the symptoms being experienced. Unfortunately, this is causing people all over the world to suffer needlessly.

See how a healthy mouth helps a healthy body.

Do you really need a healthy mouth to have a healthy body?

One thing that people often forget is that every part of your body is connected to another part. That means that the health of one area directly affects the health of another. The same is true for the health of your mouth. When you have infections in your teeth and gums, they can quickly spread to other areas of your body, leading to new infections and other health complications.

A guide for improving your health health.

The guide you need to improve your oral health

You may not know this, but the health of your mouth can impact the health of your body. Your mouth is full of bacteria, and if you don't properly care for your teeth, the bad bacteria can enter your bloodstream and spread to other parts of your body. That’s why we created a guide with five questions you should ask your dentist. These questions can lead to eye-opening oral health information that could be connected to other health issues in your body.