book cover: title: "are your teeth making you sick

The Book

Is your Mouth part of your Body?

Does the same blood that goes through your teeth and gums also go through your heart, brain, pancreas and the rest of your body?

In this groundbreaking new book, you will learn how pain free dental infections travel through your bloodstream causing or worsening  many diseases, from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s Disease and even pregnancy complications.

This book is unlike any other you may have read.


  • Why most doctors are in the dark about oral health.
  • What dental bacteria do to your blood vessels, heart, brain, pancreas, lungs…every organ in your body!
  • What key question to ask your physician at your next visit.
  • Why you can have tooth or gum infections with absolutely no pain.
  • What really causes cavities and gum disease (hint: it’s not sugar!)
  • How to begin your oral health journey at home for Free.
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Order Yours Today

If you want to enjoy better health, if you don’t want needless time being sidelined by illness and disease, the new book by Dr. Charles Reinertsen is a must-read.

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