Bleeding gums? Why you need to take action now

Have you ever spit out a little blood after brushing your teeth? If your gums bleed when you clean your teeth on a regular basis, it’s time to see the dentist. Bleeding gums could be a sign of a much bigger dental issue.

Gum disease can lead to major health issues if left untreated.

Common dental disease linked to serious health problems

The CDC reports that almost half of Americans age 30 and over have some form of gum disease. That’s a lot of people affected by something that is preventable. It’s also concerning because if gum disease is not properly treated, it can lead to cardiovascular and respiratory problems, diabetic complications, and other diseases. That’s why we created a PDF guide, “How gum disease affects overall health,” to provide you with all the research, prevention tools, and helpful resources you need to prevent and/or treat this disease. 

Alice’s unnecessary struggle

Today, I want to take a moment and introduce you to Alice. Alice was a lovely lady who used to fill her days as an artist; but lately, her health has kept her from doing all of the things she loves most. Alice would wake up in the morning, barely able to drag herself out of bed. She was exhausted all day long and couldn’t muster the energy to complete even the most simple tasks. Her mood was low, and she stopped painting. She couldn't find the desire to pull out her easel and paint brushes, and she had no inspiration to create her beautiful artwork.

Connect your oral and heart health in February.

Connecting the mouth and heart in February

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans. That’s why the entire month of February is devoted to raising awareness for cardiovascular health. Preventing heart disease can start with caring for your mouth. Most Americans don’t realize oral health may play a part in heart health. Research shows that people with gum disease have two to three times the risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or other serious cardiovascular issue. The Dental Medical Convergence began with the intent of educating people on the role oral health plays in the rest of the body’s health, including cardiovascular health.

See what kind of damage gum disease can do.

How gum disease affects overall health

Preventing heart disease can be as simple as cleaning your teeth every day. More and more research illustrates that periodontitis, also known as gum disease, is linked to many other health problems. That’s why The Dental Medical Convergence is raising awareness about the importance of oral health.

Ask your dentist these questions the next time you meet them.

10 questions you should ask your dentist

Your mouth holds the key to your overall health. That’s why it’s so important to make the right dental choices. Here’s a list of questions you should ask at your next dental visit:

Managing gum disease in it's early stages.

Managing Early Gum Disease

You may not have any pain or notice any symptoms but still be in the early stages of gum disease, also known as Periodontitis. This kind of disease starts with bacteria in your mouth and could lead to tooth loss and much worse: Heart attacks, strokes and diabetic complications. The good news is that once your dentist tells you about the gum disease, you have an opportunity to make some oral hygiene improvements before things get worse.

Start the new year with a life-saving resolution

Starting a New Year’s resolution can be as simple as putting your own health first — by scheduling your annual physical and a dental exam. Making these appointments every January is a good habit to start now.

What your doctor isn’t asking you could be harmful

The source of many diseases is right under your nose. But if you’re like most people, you don’t realize the connection between your mouth and your overall health. That’s because most doctors don’t ask about your mouth or teeth during routine checkups.