Members learned about the surprising connection poor oral health has on the body

The Dental Medical Convergence shared important information with members of the Golden Triangle Kiwanis Club at their monthly meeting in August. Dr. Chuck Reinertsen, retired dentist and founder of The Dental Medical Convergence, talked to the club about the surprising connection between oral health and overall health. Speaking engagements like this are one of the ways the nonprofit is working to educate families and the medical community.


Over the last few decades, more research and information have been released on oral health’s role in a person’s well-being. According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, “a growing body of evidence has linked oral health, particularly periodontal (gum) disease, to several chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. In pregnant women, poor oral health has also been associated with premature births and low birth weight.” This research is why Dr. Chuck started the nonprofit The Dental Medical Convergence. We believe dentists, physicians, and patients need to share more information like this. In 2007, only 44.5% of people age 2 and older had visited the dentist within 12 months, according to the ODPHP. Research shows that rate has remained nearly the same over the last decade.


Preventing diseases can start with proper oral care and other healthy habits. We recommend you spend 7-10 minutes once a day cleaning your teeth and gums. If you combine this with regular dental visits, you’re doing a great job at preventing oral health problems. Prevention saves you time and money at the dentist and doctor.

We appreciate the Golden Triangle Kiwanis Club letting us share this health information with its members. We’re looking forward to visiting the club again in October to spread the message to other Kiwanis chapters. Please follow us on Facebook to learn about our upcoming events.

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